random event

There is question of all times. Is a random event realy random? What determines the occurrence? Do we still want to “coincidence” call “mysticism”?
Our knowledge and experience of the perception of the world can be different. But each of us must admit that there are things we do not know. Beyond the horizon, beyond our understanding, in the seemingly unreachable distance, secrets are kept. As we approach, we discover them, one after another. Until we see the main one.
“Wherever we look, we will find;
And whatever we find, will be what we seek;
And then probability becomes the path…”
Maybe you will ask. Why through poetry we talk here? And why topics does not have evidences or explanations? We will answer this question in our way:
a2 + b2 = c2
This is the well-known Pythagorean theorem. That’s right, only information about triangle parameters and the right angle is missing here. And information about what a right angle means. Because if you don’t know the prerequisites and what it’s about, then you see just numbers and letters. But knowing this theorem and its conditions, we understand the meaning of this formula.
This formula only applies to 1 single type of triangle – the right triangle. The lengths of the sides of a triangle do not change its general proportion. Only the ratios of 3 parameters change – the side “a”, “b”, “c” lengths, which can be calculated according to this formula.
Everything would be clear and good with this, but where does the discrepancy arise? It is impossible for you to accept this triangle fact if it is not all located in some coordinate system. This coordinate plane where triangle is created have mathematical meaning – perpendicular coordinate systems X and Y (where “perpendicularity” is also meaning), but what is behind plane? Where this plane is located? Without an understanding of space itself, a coordinate plane makes only theoretical sense, because the coordinate plane is nowhere. It is mathematically visualized. This is point where mathematics ends and philosophy begins.
Probability is not about mathematics. Before the event has happened, it is impossible to accurately predict it. On the other hand, the “coincidence” theorem does not have any mathematical formulas at all, because there is nothing to “hook” them on. There is no data for the coincidence event. It just happens.
Therefore, to explain the occurrence, let’s look on it from the viewpoint of philosophy.
For first, at least 7 things are needed for something to happen. 1-Place, 2-Time, 3-Something already existing, 4-Ability to change proportions, 5-Influencer, 6-Intention, 7-Action. This list could be refined and supplemented without limit, but without going into details, let’s pay attention to first 7 elatively self-explanatory things. What are these things really? What is space, what is time?
This is the way to approach understanding through concepts. Philosophy opens doors behind which only quantum level regularities work. This is where the words end. This world can only be described with different, even contradictory similes, through art, poetry, music can be described this world. Everything that seemed impossible to you becomes self-evident.
And now imagine an infinitely multifaceted derivative of the happening. You could find an quite infinite variations of formulas there that explain the further derivation of a specific fact. To be honest, it can be quite “crazy” staying there. The future and the past seem inseparable, without the expression of time. The space seems unfixed. All probability options are found in oneplace – around and inside at the same time.. It would be best called “Scientific Meditation”.