12×16 Alpha Chess – Most Royal & Tactic chess game
L&A GR Genus
We just like Chess, therefore we invent Chess we enjoy. More tactic, more peaceful, and much more bigger. Enjoy! : )
Alpha-Chess Rules
The rules are a bit similar to regular chess
Alpha Chess differs from the usual chess in the number of squares, shapes and their moves, as well as in the game style itself. Thanks to the huge variations of options and combinations, each game is practically unique and unpredictable. Alpha Chess is slow, strategic, prone to beautiful, difficult-to-see games, revealing completely unexpected and sudden game solutions, bringing a truly royal mood to the players.
There are 2 versions of Alpha Chess: 12×16 fields – 2×32 figures “ALPHA CHESS” and 16×24 squares – 2×72 figures “ALPHA LATA CHESS”. In this page you can read 12×16 ALPHA CHESS rules.
- When playing Alpha Chess, the highest etiquette of respect and courtesy must be observed.
- Alpha Chess does not perform robotic simulation and analysis.
- If the game takes place in public, live analysis is allowed. This means that commentators have the right to discuss the game’s moves in public using only their abilities – intellect, intuition and or other natural methods.
- Alpha Chess is only played in “LIVE” where players sit physically in one room at the game table.
- Unless players object, soft drinks and smoking are allowed at the BOARD. Light snacks are also allowed in the group of friends.

White pieces are arranged in sequence where A1 is the dark field:
- Game time is counted by fact, with no added time per move. The time is set (by agreement of the players) usually 8 hours each (The clock is for information only).
- You can also play the game without a watch.
- If one of the players runs out of time, it is considered a “BAD ETIQUETTE” and the game is canceled – considered unprecedented (it is not a draw). Players must be able to agree on a win / loss or draw during the game.
- VICTORY, LOSS or DRAW is determined by the LAW of 3 OFFERS. This means that during the game, players can make a total of 3 offers to each other. If the offers are made and the players fail to reach an agreement, the game is canceled and considered “unprecedented”. Players trying to reach Checkmate, but Checkmate is not a wining position. If Checkmate is reached then it is BAD ETIQUETTE and GAME will considered as unprecedented.
- If the game lasts, players have the right to postpone it (by suspending it) for the next day. When the game is postponed, the player whose turn follows will write his move on paper, put it in an envelope, seal it and hand it over to the referee. The judge suspends the time. The next day, when the game resumes, the referee opens the envelope, resumes the countdown and names the move that must be made by the player who handed the envelope to the referee with his planned move. A move is made and the game continues.
- The game may be postponed only after an odd number of moves. This means that on the first day of the postponement it is done on the black move, on the second on the white, on the third again on the black, etc. (Postponing the game is more relevant for 16×24 square chess, where the playing time for each player is 40 hours.)
- P – PAWN First Move – Pawns can walk by 1, 2 or 3 squares. P D2 D3 or P D2 A4 or P D2 A5
- P – PAWN Moves – Pawns can walk like in regular chess by 1 square. P G9 G10
- P – PAWN can take other figure like in regular chess P L6 X K7 or P L6 X M7

( Available moves marked with “✻” ; Takes marked with arrow )
- K – KING moves by 1 square to all directions like in regular chess
- E – EMIR moves similar like a KING by 1 square to all directions (EMIR can be taken away – it’s not a end of the game)

- Q – QUEEN moves similar like in regular chess

- D – DONNA moves similar than QUEEN, but only for 3 squares to all directions

- R – ROOK moves similar like in regular chess

- N – KNIGHT moves like in regular Chess
- C – CHAMPION moves similar like a KNIGHT, but he jumps farther (3+2 field jump) (For example C D6 F9)

- G – GUARD moves a little bit similar like a ROOK but only for 1 or 2 squares and GUARD also can jump over a busy square. For example G D5 F5.

- M – MESSENGER (moves by diagonally, but only for 1 or 2 fields and he can also jump over a busy field)

If a KING and EMIR positions are next to each other, there is move named “SWITCH”. In this move KING and EMIR switch they positions. KING and EMIR may not currently be in check. (If SWITCH is performed together with CASTLING then it is one move.)
If a KING and EMIR positions is not next to each other then SWITCH can be done in different way – then after SWITCH, EMIR lives the board and KING say alone. (In different words, then the KING leaves the board and EMIR becomes the new KING.)
If KING and EMIR stay in home squares then SWITCHES means, KING and EMIR still are NOT moved and after that CASTLING is available. If just one of them leave home square, then after SWITCH no CASTLING available.
There are many CASTLING types in this chess, but in the basic idea are similar to 8×8 square chess.
- The KING and ROOK or the KING, EMIR and ROOK involved in castling must not have previously moved.
- There must be no pieces between the KING and the ROOK or KING, EMIR and ROOK.
- The KING or KING and EMIR may not currently be in check, nor may the KING or KING and EMIR pass through or end up in a square that is under attack by an enemy piece (though the rook is permitted to be under attack and to pass over an attacked square)
- The castling must be kingside or queenside as shown in the diagram.
- If KING and EMIR is SWITCHED not leaving they home squares then CASTLING is available.
- If KING and EMIR is SWITCHED but just one of them stay in home squares then just DIVIDED CASTLING is available with who stay in King or Emir home positions.
KING with an EMIR, both of them, in any order chosen, if neither is moved and does not have to cross a chased field, is placed next to the nearby ROOK or at the far end without going 2 squares until then and the ROOK is moved across. Meet on each side 2 types of single handcuffs where either the KING closer to the edge of the board or the EMIR closer to the edge of the board (optional) placing in sequence KN1 EO1, RM1 or KO1, EN1, RM1. To the queenside as follows: KD1, EE1, RF1 or KE1, ED1, RF1.
KING and EMIR CASTLES together

KING and EMIR SWITCH and then CASTLES together

In addition, it is possible to make a CASTLING only with the KING or only with an EMIR. (If the EMIR is moved, possible to make CASTLING only with the KING and vice versa.), Such as RN1, KO1 or KD1, RE1. See images bellow. If a player make CASTLING with the KING only, with the EMIR remaining in place, then in another move, if the EMIR and the other ROOK are not moved, an additional CASTLING can be made to the other side of board. (This tactic is easy to use if a player plans to change EMIR to KING in a situation by choosing the other side of the court as his home in good time.) In a split hand, the KING or EMIR can only go to the D1 field to the “queenside”.
KING and EMIR CASTLES separately

KING and EMIR SWITCH and then CASTLES separately

If the whole row of houses is liberated and neither the KING and EMIR and ROOKS are moved, at the same time the KING and the EMIR divide and go each to his side or each to the opposite side. In such a CASTLING, the two “Royals” of the royal family go to the very end and the ROOKS move over them. For example KB1 RC1 EO1 RN1 or EB1 RC1 KO1 RN1
KING and EMIR CASTLES to both sides in one move.

KING and EMIR SWITCH and then CASTLE to both sides in one move.

If a PAWN reaches the opponent’s “home” row, it becomes any figure that is taken from the board. This means that on board cannot be 2 of QUEENS or 3 of ROOKS. If there are still all the pieces on the court, then the one who entered the opponent’s line has won the game (such a possibility exists only in theory).
The DONNA has 1 chance to become a QUEEN, but it is only if there are no QUEEN on the board: The DONNA must apply chess to the opponent’s KING. Of course, the opponent will take a turn in defense and then in the next turn, the DONNA becomes a QUEEN without changing her place on the board. Transforming into a QUEEN is a whole move where no peaces on the board change their position. Only the figure is changed.
En Passant is similar as in regular chess but it applies to all the first 3 squares – as PAWN go. For example, if a PAWN stands on A9 and an opponent passes by his PAWN from row of pawn houses PB11 B9 or PB11 B8, the white PAWN can take it away with a move PA9XB10
In 24×16 chess there are plus 2×4 different figures and the second line of O – ROYAL PAWNS. The regular PAWNS stay in 3rd line and always goes only 1 square forward (in the first move by 3 squares), but the 2nd line of ROYAL PAWNS goes 1 forwards and also 1 square back. In the first move it allowed to move 2 squares forward. Step back is available till the 3rd row (1 move further than they were before the game.) For example OA2 A4, then it can deviate further to A3. pawns – forward diagonally.) The ROYAL PAWNS are also covered by the En Passant march.
The following figures are “Duality” and “Repos” type figures. The trajectories of the Duality figures are oval in shape and can be reached at 2 points by 2 different routes (if these roads are free). One of the Dual type figures is the “WITCH”, (located next to the DONNA), which in its trajectory is also able to jump over one figure of its own color, if necessary. Repos figures are two-stroke move-jump figures with a variable trajectory.
More about Alpha Lata Chess in the future.