Painting by Lāsma
Transformation by AI
One brushstroke, then another, and she was born, My love, in hues of gold and noble blue adorned. Long was the journey, step by step she grew, From roots to petals, wings unfurled anew.
In the quiet of the night, under moon’s soft glow, Her presence whispered secrets only soul know. Through the canvas, through the air, her spirit soared, A testament to love, in every hue adored.
Her petals kissed by dawn, her thorns by twilight’s shade, In every moment, her eternal dance displayed. With every note of piano, every brush’s sweep, Her story told in colors, in dreams so deep.
She is the universe, in gold and blue arrayed, A masterpiece of love, in every stroke portrayed.
/ Lāsma /
Oil Paintings by La’Alphado family.
Paintings are proportion of Artist essence, like another reality behind the doors of colors and imagination. Artist can pass the doors without anything, but if an Artist would like to invite guests, the doors must to be shown. To do that, Paintings must be created but for that key is needed. In this world the key for Painter is Colors, Canvas, Brushes and a time for each to create. After a while, you will see the Universe you’ll newer see before…
Paintings by ALPHA-DO L&A │ Painter: Lasma, inspirited by Armands