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ALPHA-JEWELLERY pieces are unique and differ from each other. You won’t find two identical ones. All elements come in different sizes and proportions. They are made according to a unique ancient technique using only hand tools. 100 % handmade.


INSPIRATION INFINITUM (For Queens only) is one of the highest-ranked adornments of the Queen. The INFINITUM is worn only by the Queen for special festivities or serious meetings where she stands by the side of her King. Princesses refrain from wearing this ornament, they choose the lighter GRATIA series instead.

The INFINITUM goes best with a white or black attire. It is never worn with multi-coloured, motley clothes.

This piece is made using a twisted core and the INFINITUM REGNUM VITAE (infinite realm and life) element. The ornament comes in several versions, ranging from the finest to the coarsest and heaviest one (they are chosen according to the attire and the particular case). Kings never wear it. It is meant exceptionally for Queens.

This ornament is never made for any other people of the court. King and Queen. Intertwined, they form an eternal respect and life.


Seta Universa GRATIA UNIVERSUM (For Queens only) is a Queen worthy piece of jewellery. Together with the ASTRUM bracelet this adornment becomes a unique symbol of taste, luxury and lightness. It goes perfectly together with lightweight garments made of silk or satin.

The GRATIA UNIVERSUM is usually combined with a lightweight silk or satin dress. Clothing colours: white, black, golden, aquamarine, light pink, bright green, light blue, pale yellow, rarely – cherry red. In an exceptional case, when complemented by the ASTRUM element, it can also be worn with a brown monochrome garment.

This adornment contains the INFINITUM REGNUM VITAE (infinite realm and life) element with a key, and makes a jewellery set together with the ASTRUM element. The piece comes in 2 versions: the finest and the balance version (they were chosen according to the attire). Kings do not wear this
ornament. It is meant only for Queens and Princesses. This ornament is never made for any other people of the court.


The ELECTI VITAE (For Kings and Queens and VIPs who are chosen) is an upper-class adornment worn only by the chosen ones, i.e., the highest elite of the Royal House. Only the ones who have acquired all the highest elite knowledge, including manners, diplomacy, toleration and philosophy, can receive the King’s permission to wear this ELECTI piece. The King never gives this ornament to anyone just like that. Its wearer has to prove himself or herself.

This is the only piece of ELECTI collection that can be worn with a black, red or almost any other monochrome attire. It is strictly forbidden to wear it with motley, colourful clothes. This piece is made using a two-fold induction winding with a monolithic, big core, and its main element is the Royal symbol, called the REGNUM VITAE DUO element, perfectly embedded in the ornament without standing out. This ELECTI ornament has 3 types: a little thinner, a medium one and a thicker one. Choose ELECTI jewelry if you are eager to be aware and particularly elite.


EXODUS DOMINUS (For Kings) is one of the most serious and largest pieces of jewellery. It is worn by real Kings in special moments and serious meetings with Kings from other Kingdoms.

The EXODUS DOMINUS needs no explanation. This adornment can be worn together with almost any Royal attire, a cloak or even a blanket made of simple fabric. Anyone who sees this luxurious ornament shining from underneath a person’s cuff, shows an Infinite Respect to the wearer, standing straight, with a slightly tilted head. Silence takes over. Only the King itself may break the silence. When two Kings meet, Respect requires them both to lower their heads. The silence may be broken by the ruler of the Kingdom.

This piece is made using a three-fold induction winding with a monolithic core, and its main element is the big Royal symbol, called REGNUM, with a double VITAE (life) element. The adornment may weigh up to 300 grams. If your arm is able to wear this ornament, there is no other word for you but “King”. This piece of jewellery is never made for any other people of the court. Although the adornment is meant only for Kings, there are also some Queens capable of wearing it. They are called the Queens of the Universe, because only the purest and the lightest ethereal beings can recognize such power.



VIRIDIS (For those who are aware). This adornment becomes a unique symbol of taste, luxury and lightness.

The VIRIDIS ornament can be worn together with almost any Royal attire, a cloak or even a blanket made of simple fabric. Anyone who sees this luxurious ornament shining from underneath a person’s cuff, shows an Infinite Respect to the wearer, standing straight, with a slightly tilted head. Silence takes over. Only the King itself may break the silence. When two Kings meet, Respect requires them both to lower their heads. The silence may be broken by the ruler of the Kingdom.

The VIRIDIS ornament will make you feel light and airy, but at the same time clearly aware of your core, your essence, your true self. Truth is your Heart.



According to Ayurveda water in contact with copper spoon has the ability to balance all the three doshas in your body, (vata, kapha and pitta) and it does so by positively charging the water.
When water is in contact with a copper spoon the copper gently leeches into the water and lends it all its positive properties. The best part about this water is that it never becomes stale and can be stored this way for long periods of time.

Copper is known to be oligodynamic in nature (the sterilizing effect of metals on bacteria), and can destroy bacteria very effectively. Copper has been touted as the cheapest and most effective solution to disinfect drinking water.